HealthGrid 2007
University of Geneva
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genčve
Canton de Genčve
Service d'Informatique Médicale
Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique
HealthGrid Association
-- Any session --
Use at Cell Level
Use at Individual Level
Use at Molecule Level
Use at Organ Level
Use at Population Level
-- Any type --
Full paper
-- Any author --
Nabil Abdennadher
Alicia Acero
R. Aebersold
John Ainsworth
Roberta Alfieri
Giovanni Aloisio
Domingos Alves
Stuart Anderson
Isabelle Andoulsi
Rodolfo Andrade
Gabriel Aparicio
Ron D. Appel
Richard Baldock
Christian Barillot
Christopher Bayliss
Alan Blaikie
Ignacio Blanquer
Régis Boesch
Vincent Breton
Albert Burger
Javier López Cacheiro
Massimo Cafaro
Miguel Pombar Cameán
Sebastian Canisius
Lorena Domínguez Carrera
Diego González Castańo
Francisco J. González Castańo
Yi-Ming Chang
Juan Luis Chaves
Jen Hsien Chen
Ann Chervenak
Andrea Clematis
Benjamin Clifford
Peter Colman
Edward C. Conley
Oscar Corcho
Joăo Paulo Silva Cunha
Daniele D'Agostino
Adrien Depeursinge
Mylene Deschenes
Marios D. Dikaiakos
Andrew Emerson
Italo Epicoco
Stephan G. Erberich
José Maria Fernandes
Manuel Fernández
Sandro Fiore
Ian Foster
Bernd Freisleben
Henrique F. Gagliardi
Antonella Galizia
José Carlos Mourińo Gallego
Eduardo Gallo
Javier Pena García
Antoine Geissbuhler
Michael Georgeff
Renate Gertz
Frank Bernard Gibaud
Peter Gibbs
Harald Gjermundrřd
Horacio Gonzalez-Velez
Andrés Gómez
Ákos Hajnal
Mark Hartswood
Uri Hasson
Mihael Hategan
Jano van Hemert
Celine Hernández
Patricia Hernández
Vicente Hernández
Álvaro Hernández
Jean Herveg
Marienne Hibbert
Eva Hladká
Petr Holub
Shu-Hui Hung
Luigi Lo Iacono
Jimison Iavindrasana
Raúl Isea
Nicolas Jacq
Jipu Jiang
Dominic Job
Paul Johnson
Vinod Kasam
Jessie Kennedy
Karl Kesper
Carl Kesselman
Tamás Kifor
Michal Kosiedowski
Peter Kunszt
Theodoros Kyprianou
Stephen Lawrie
Yannick Legré
Milo Li ka
Dave Liewald
Hsin Hung Lin
Pamela Linksted
Sharon Lloyd
Astrid Maass
Maria A. Madope
Maryann Martone
David González Martínez
Rafael Mayo
Cezary Mazurek
Mark McGilchrist
Clare McKay
Ivan Merelli
Robert Merriel
Luciano Milanesi
Maria Mirto
Yassene Mohammed
Esther Montes
Henry Ricardo Mora
Robin Morton
Ettore Mosca
Henning Müller
M. Müller
Marvin D. Nelson
Virgílio C. Neto
Terence O'Brien
Mark Olive
Ilídio Oliveira
Alessandro Orro
David R. Owens
George Panayi
Cesare Pautasso
Gianfranco Pedone
M.C. Peitsch
Thomas Penzel
Alistair Philp
Ivan T. Pisa
Mikko Pitkanen
Thomas Ploch
M. Podvinec
David Porteous
Michal Procházka
Rob Procter
Andreas Quandt
Naomi Rafael
Hanene Rahmouni
Frank Rakebrandt
Omer Rana
Otto Rienhoff
Adina Riposan
Faustino Gómez Rodríguez
Daniel Rodríguez-Silva
Elda Rossi
Stefan Rüping
Jean Salzemann
Ulrich Sax
Robert Schuler
T. Schwede
Horst Schwichtenberg
Damiŕ Segrelles
Stelios Sfakianakis
Fabricio A.B. da Silva
Jonathan C. Silverstein
Richard Sinnott
Steven L. Small
Leslie Smith
Matthew Smith
Tony Solomonides
Tiberiu Stef-Praun
Robert Stevens
Maciej Stroinski
Carlos Fernández Sánchez
Ian Taylor
Erik Torres
Gabriele A. Trombetti
Wen Ho Tsai
Huan Chin Tseng
Manolis Tsiknakis
Marc Tuloup
Jenny Ure
László Zsolt Varga
Fred Viezens
Federica Viti
Alex Voss
Joanna Wardlaw
Paul Watson
Jan Weglarz
Michael Wilde
Alan Williams
Petra Wilson
Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti
Yong Zhao
Xin Zhou
D. Zosso
-- Any date --
Tandem Mass Spectrometry Protein Identification on a PC Grid
Grid-Based Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data in Clinical Proteomics
BGBlast: A BLAST Grid Implementation with Database Self-Updating and Adaptive Replication
Advances in the Biomedical Applications of the EELA Project
Sleep Medicine as a Scenario for Medical Grid Application
Grid Enabled High Throughput Virtual Screening Against Four Different Targets Implicated in Malaria
Porting PHYLIP Phylogenetic Package on the Desktop GRID Platform XtremWeb-CH
Security-Oriented Data Grids for Microarray Expression Profiles
The Molecular Medicine Informatics Model (MMIM)
ImmunoGrid The Virtual Human Immune System Project
Parameter Estimation for Cell Cycle Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Models Using a Grid Approach
Monte Carlo Verification of IMRT Treatment Plans on GRID
TRENCADIS Secure Architecture to Share and Manage DICOM Objects in a Ontological Framework Based on OGSA
Grid-Supported Medical Digital Library
Care for Asthma via Mobile Phone (CAMP)
Data Integration in eHealth: A Domain/Disease Specific Roadmap
Roadmap for a European Healthgrid
SHARE Roadmap 1: Towards a Debate
A Services Oriented System for Bioinformatics Applications on the Grid
Extending Workflow Management for Knowledge Discovery in Clinico-Genomic Data
IntegraEPI: A Grid-Based Epidemic Surveillance System
Accelerating Medical Research Using the Swift Workflow System
Does HealthGrid Present Specific Risks with Regard to Data Protection?
Secure and Pervasive Collaborative Platform for Medical Applications
Multi-Centric Universal Pseudonymisation for Secondary Use of the EHR
ICGrid: Enabling Intensive Care Medical Research on the EGEE Grid
KnowARC: Enabling Grid Networks for the Biomedical Research Community
Globus MEDICUS Federation of DICOM Medical Imaging Devices into Healthcare Grids
Alchemist Multimodal Workflows for Diabetic Retinopathy Research, Disease Prevention and Investigational Drug Discovery
Tissue MicroArray: A Distributed Grid Approach for Image Analysis
A Grid Framework for Non-Linear Brain fMRI Analysis
From HealthGrid to SHARE: A Selective Review of Projects
An Agent Approach for Protein Function Analysis in a Grid Infrastructure
Shortcomings of Current Grid Middlewares Regarding Privacy in HealthGrids
Benefits of Provenance in Home Care